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Microsoft Windows

Diagnostic, Virus and Malware Removal (Williamsburg, MI.)

Customer contacted us asking if we would take a look at his Gateway PC. He stated that he was receiving many pop ups and internet explorer was opening numerous browsers, and the customer was receiving fake notifications from Microsoft stating his windows operating system has been locked and that his I.P. Address had been compromised. It then was asking for him to call a number to get it resolved. The customer stated he needed his pictures off of his computer.  The customer lived in Williamsburg, Michigan, approximately 50 miles from us and didn’t have a way to come to us…. Read More »

Windows 7 End of Life and When to Upgrade: (Amor IT Solutions)

Windows 7 End of Life and When to Upgrade. The end of the Windows 7 lifecycle is set for January 2020. “End of life” means Microsoft will discontinue all support, including paid support; and all updates, including security updates. Between now and then, the operating system (OS) is in an in-between phase known as “extended support.” As a result of this news customers need to make a decision on what they want to do before January 2020.  What does this mean for anyone running Windows 7? Basically it’s time to upgrade your operating system or think about buying a newer computer with Windows… Read More »